Category: Russia
What is PEK?
In the Time of Soaring Prices and Roaring Images MUHAMMET ALİ ZURNACI Eurasia, Near East, and Asia:Celebrating, ping-ponging, and smiling… Conscription, devaluation, turmoil…Roaring, cheering, relaxing… Gas, tourism, and oil…Pretending, forcing, forgetting… Sanction, sanction, sanction…Tanks, drones, and nuclear weapons… Why do they play with the soil?Why do they keep laughing? One would not call the poem…
Escalate to Fear
Impressing the Sphere of Influence in Between “Escalate to De-escalate” and “Escalate to Escalate” Despite downsizing its ultimate target, the increasingly radical behavior of the Russian military now confirms the expectations outlined in the MAZ Foresight report released last week: By targeting power grids in Kyiv, Russia is attempting to impress the ground and send…
Soaring Costs
The Dominoes and the Day Goes By The costs of the Ukraine crisis, compounded by the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, continue to cause ripples not only in the destabilized region but across the globe. The intricate relationship between defense budgets and inflation creates an uncertain balance for nearly every country in the medium…
Early Celebration
Misunderstanding Soft Power Recent developments on the ground have made it clear that Russia, faced with the need to narrow its front and increase the cost of using force in Ukraine, is attempting to conceal its challenging situation through annexation and forced, insincere celebrations. This “show must go on” tactic is a poor choice for…
VodkaSphere of Influence
Dreams, Objectives, and Ground The smart take was in the MAZ Foresight Report. (September 2021) “Russia will pay prices beyond her calculations.” While the MAZ Foresight report pointed out this prediction clearly, analysts throughout the globe were discussing whether Russia would intervene, its possible timing, and potential consequences. It was again in the same report:…