Category: Security
Is Putin in a Crises of Decision-Making?
The latest crisis orchestrated by Wagner chief Prigozhin has deepened the questions regarding whether Russia is heading towards a political crisis stemming from an impasse in decision-making. From the very beginning I had scenarios on this unexpected issue: Here are the simplest possible scenarios for the decision-making mechanism of Russia thereafter. Scenarios: According to the…
On The National Security Strategy of The Federal Republic of Germany
Germany’s first National Security Strategy seems to have fallen short of expectations. Analysts around the world did the job of detailing the paper fair enough. MAZ Corporate adds and underlines the points below: Muhammet Ali Zurnacı, Istanbul, June 17, 2023
China Mediates the Middle East
Muhammet Ali Zurnaci, Istanbul China’s latest sensational mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, aiming to restore their relations, can be evaluated primarily based on two scenarios. Scenarios: The probable scenarios that could be written to prove it was an ineffective diplomatic attempt would simply be enough to determine the negative limits of China’s political influence…
Soaring Costs
The Dominoes and the Day Goes By The costs of the Ukraine crisis, compounded by the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, continue to cause ripples not only in the destabilized region but across the globe. The intricate relationship between defense budgets and inflation creates an uncertain balance for nearly every country in the medium…
Early Celebration
Misunderstanding Soft Power Recent developments on the ground have made it clear that Russia, faced with the need to narrow its front and increase the cost of using force in Ukraine, is attempting to conceal its challenging situation through annexation and forced, insincere celebrations. This “show must go on” tactic is a poor choice for…