How Did Erdoğan Win?

Godly Decision from the Sky

Muhammet Ali Zurnaci, Senior Analyst @ III’ Corporate, May 30, 2023

Erdoğan’s votes were gradually decreasing in years, in months and even in weeks..

The Maestro of the Orchestra or let say The God

planned the political sphere.

According to this Godly plan, the pre-election atmosphere was supposed to guarantee a run off. So that Erdoğan who couldn’t pass the 50% threshold can well guarantee the win in the run off. Political Science has many examples where the leaders who can’t win in the first round could easily pass in the run off with the possibility of 85%. Although newly presidential Türkiye has no political experience for the run-offs, The God has. So, whoever planned the third block in the very beginning wanted Erdoğan to win. That is why:

The Electoral Sphere of Türkiye had been orchestrated as divided into 3 blocks long before the public surveys.

  1. * Erdoğan 
  2. * Kılıçdaroğlu
  3. * None (İnce, Oğan, Özdağ)

Research companies and their public Surveys had tried to project the volume of “the None.” Some had found 15%, others %12, MAZ Corporate %1.5 and many others differing. All we knew was that we would go for the runoff anyway and the asymmetric determinant was the None. 

And The Game Started.

First Round:

  1. First, İnce was politically paralyzed by some video leaks. 

First Round Result : Erdoğan 49.5%, Kılıçdaroğlu, 44.8%, Oğan 5.17, İnce, 0.5.

Run off:

  1. Second, Oğan has decided to Support Erdoğan. While a part of his supporters feel badly used, there must have been another compulsory plan.
  2. Third, Özdağ has decided to Support Kılıçdaroğlu with a far-right campaign tone to agitate the Kurdish votes in the Southeastern Turkey to withdraw their support of Kılıçdaroğlu. The gain of Kılıçdaroğlu was far less than the loss. This was the tragic part.

The Run Off Result: Erdoğan: 52.18, Kılıçdaroğlu: 47.82%

Can You Please Write the Story of the Game Again in Other Words?

Erdoğan Wins the Impossible Elections..

This is how the impossible turned into a possibility..


  1. The election to the 2nd round meant that the person with the highest number of votes in the first round would win.
  2. Afterwards, they manipulated people’s great unhappiness stemming from the economy and refugees as much as possible. Economically unhappy people found themselves supporting Erdogan on the streets and singing Cengiz Kurtoğlu songs.


  1. Erdogan, whose votes fell in all scientific studies, should have divided the opposing bloc first. 
  2. İnce appeared. There were a lot of news and info campaigns regarding him being supported by Erdogan’s Ak Parti.
  3. He first paralyzed Ince, who he used to divide the opposition, with his own hands.An opposing and excited leader profile has been excluded from the game.
  4. Then he  directed the wind of the Anti-Refugee votes on himself as much as possible,
  • first by taking Ogan with him and 
  • then by alienating the Kurdish voters from giving it to Bay Kemal

Can you Please Write A Shorter Version of this  Godly Decision Came From the Sky?

According to a decision from the heavens,

1. The Runoff  was orchestrated in the very beginning. 

2. Ince was paralyzed in the first round. An opposing and excited leader profile was excluded from the game.

3. The remaining votes from Ince were directed to Ogan and Ozdag.

4. There came the decision that Ogan should side with Erdogan.

5. Ozdag manipulated Kılıçdaroğlu and caused a loss in votes in Southeastern Turkey.

What is impossible turned into a possibility.

Emotions won, not the Reason d’etat.

What is behind the Irrational behavior was the Manipulated Emotions of the Oppressed. People singing with no money can not be explained any other way.

Kılıçdaroğlu’s 48 percent of votes despite such a wrong strategy of campaign;

It was because of people’s real unhappiness and boredom caused by the cost of living and unemployment. 

Erdogan’s 52 percent in such a bad economy:

It was because his election strategy was perfect.

How to be re-elected in such an economy?

It should be taught as a course in faculties.

What A Great Plan. 

Very Godly and No Doubt From the Sky.

Muhammet Ali Zurnaci, May 30, 2023, İstanbul

Senior Analyst @ MAZ Corporate