Hyper-Realist Views on Turkey

Turkey is one of the few countries that is clearly corrupted in socio-political and socio-economic terms, with an extreme imbalance between its ‘military power’ and ‘economic power.’ Similar countries include Iran and Russia. To survive, it is inevitable for Turkey to experience this tragedy and make its people live it. In other words, this is what conservative politics calls ‘a matter of survival,‘ what leftist politics calls ‘anti-imperialism,‘ and what a scientifically impartial view calls existential necessity. The power struggles Turkey engages in, willingly or unintentionally, shape this reality.

Turkey, like Iran, does not have the ability to ‘determine,’ ‘create,’ and ‘manage‘ any regional or subregional agenda. Russia, on the other hand, has this ability to some extent. Turkey and Iran can develop compulsory tactical moves aimed at defense or turning situations into opportunities. If this issue is not clearly understood (the reader of this article is really lucky), the Islamist and Kemalist segments in Turkey will continue to criticize each other with heavy accusations. Syrian policy cannot be understood, and neither CHP nor AKP can comprehend it. I do not think the designers of this policy are ideological. Let me even add a bit of a conspiratorial flavor of mystery.

There is no one other than me who has written and published scenarios for Syria policy (is there any other serious scenario writer than me?). People generally talk about the fight by asking, ‘Can I be a politician? Will they give me a seat too?’ They hope that if they sit down, they will never have to get up. However, it is a chair, something dangerous—you sit all the time. Constant autographs, visits, press, endless travels, stylish photos… Can such a person have time to understand the world? The love of office is a very old disease. It is impossible to understand why they love it. The state mind (artificial decision making process of the blob of Turkey) cannot deal with these small accounts. It does not have time.

Is there a state mind above politics in Turkey? It exists, but it is extremely naive and rude, with a ‘you make it up as you go‘ mentality (idiom in Turkish: ‘Kervan yolda düzülür.’) due to its social-anthropological codes. Unfortunately, this is reality. This mentality is not completely wrong, but it is not entirely correct either. The reason why I don’t get along with certain individuals is that they are rude, radical, or completely ignorant idiots. I talked to some of them in Gülhane Park—people shamelessly believing every slander, despite their good education. If you oppose the CHP, you are labeled a member of the AKP. If you criticize the AKP, you are labeled a member of the CHP.

Is there a deep state in Turkey? There is, but the solution methods are very ineffective. Look, I’m not the one saying this. The leader of the Republican People’s Party, Mr. Özgür Özel, says it. He mentions a deep mind in the state that ‘makes reflexes.’ I say this as a writer who has a relationship with the Turkish language at the level of love. It’s not just a phrase of Özel; it’s like the expression of someone else who is thoughtful and skeptical but has a hard time approaching the truth.

Then you see that Mr. Özel is wearing a gingham AKP jacket and posing with a smile for Erdoğan. I know from my family that all the party members (CHP) are going crazy. I wonder what the hell is going on. The night Erdoğan won the election, a huge Atatürk poster was placed in the AK Palace, hanging there that very night. Imagine that an invisible hand (not in the liberal sense) makes Mr. Erdoğan hang an Atatürk poster when he is excited and joyful, and makes the leader of Atatürk’s party wear an Erdoğan jacket when the time comes. Unbelievable..

Making the mysterious history of countries even more mysterious and conspiratorial should not distract us from rationality, reason, and science. I am someone who has witnessed their existence and has never been able to get along with these people and will never get along.


—Türkiye is not using its power resources correctly.— Therefore, according to my own projection, the depletion trend will accelerate in the medium term.

  1. The most important one is ‘human resources.’ The scariest aspect of this is the merit issue, which also victimizes me. Look at my English. Even though I haven’t spoken it for many years, it is better than many ambassadors (it doesn’t matter which party they belong to). Write ‘ambassador in English’ on YouTube and see the examples. However, I am being excluded from the game because I do not have the money for torpil*. I will not cause any harm. Turkey will do the damage; it does, and it will. It will learn by experiencing it
  2. It cannot use its ‘economic resources’ correctly. The number of representative offices opened in Africa is more than the number of representative offices opened by the Ottoman Empire. Doing this while the nation cannot pay its bills is not ‘strategic patience‘ or a ‘long-term investment, news network,’ etc., as the so-called smart analyses of some Europeans suggest. This means filling state positions with ideological men, nepotism raging and rampant. This has nothing to do with the party. Turkey’s political culture is completely corrupt. All parties are like this. This is a scientific fact.”

– You’re begging everyone for 5 billion dollars! You can’t go and open 30 representative offices in Africa! If this is not tactical unconsciousness, it is strategic blindness.

  • The birth rate dropped to 1.6! In 12 years, the Idlib diaspora in Istanbul will overshadow the people of Trabzon and Diyarbakir during election campaigns. Let alone listening to Bekir Sıtkı Bey, we won’t even be able to listen to Tarkan.
  • While You are maneuvering and believing that Pro Russian- Pro Mao Perinçek is rising, you blow the whistle that America is bankrupt. You need to understand what you lose and what you gain in the medium and long term. It’s not about interest rates; those who understand will understand. There is no option for Turkey other than maneuvering, yet there is also no chance of gaining from these maneuvers. Therefore, it is “a power in between.
  • You must stop turning the values of society into an open psychological warfare field and stop being like a bear that constantly scratches itself and then gets uncomfortable.
  • You should use the political intelligence and effort you spend to deceive your own society to convince the world and produce in an honest way, without stealing or violating rights.

You haven’t done it for 300 years… You haven’t done it for 100 years… You haven’t done it for 25 years… I know you won’t do it in the future either…

In a discussion between Poet İsmet Özel and Researcher Aytunç Altındal on an old television program, İsmet Özel shows an effort and hope that suits him very well.

  • ‘We will!’ he says. The late Mr. Aytunç responds very nicely,
  • ‘Why would God make you such a goodness?!’

Yes… I combined literature and strategy well enough. Let’s dive deeper into the last words…

Ali Aga says, ‘Maturity is revealed from subtlety, it is hidden in nuance, sir. There is a subtle self in the case of effort. Those who cannot abandon their precautions trust either their rope or their donkey. However, on the American dollar it is written, “In God We Trust.” That is why the world trusts them...

As the Superman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, said in one of the last council meetings, ‘You are not there, those egos are your delusions,’ quoting a poem by the Mevlevi Master Sheikh Galip.

Ali Aga says, 

“Those who know, find, my beauty,
She’s no good for me.
Let us love and be loved,
You’re no human, and can’t be.”

Muhammet Ali Zurnacı, June 27, 2024, Istanbul